Raised bed questions

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 18:46:53 PDT
Dear All,

I have decided to redo a raised bed that has just had bulbs in it for about 
12 years. So many of the things I originally planted in that area have 
multiplied in huge numbers and are too crowded and last year some of the 
Lachenalias that have looked so pretty in the past still bloomed, but the 
leaves didn't look so hot so I am worried they are virused. So it seems 
time to take everything out and start all over. Now I have a better idea of 
which plants increase dramatically every year and I won't plant any of 
those. I have read Jane's postings in the past about her frames and don't 
think I can cover this one so it will have to be exposed to our 
considerable rain.

My question has to do with how to plant it so I could recover the bulbs if 
need be (to share, to divide, to get rid of, etc.) The bed was originally 
lined with hardware cloth. Jane has talked about using mesh bags like they 
make for water plants in her frames and I have searched the Internet for 
sources, but wasn't sure what size to try. And I also found a note from 
Cathy from the past that she found such things really tough to remove and 
wouldn't bother with them again. Will Ashburner suggested the mesh bags 
fruit is sometimes sold in and I have been saving some of those, but 
probably don't have enough. All suggestions for how to do this are 
gratefully received.

Mary Sue

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