Iris unguicularis

anthony goode
Wed, 25 Dec 2002 15:00:44 PST
How are the two forms of I. unfuicularis different?

Cathy Craig President PBS
Maritime zone 9b

Iris unguicularis has a fairly wide distribution from N Africa to  SW
Turkey Greece and Crete.  The N African forms are most often
cultivated and have the largest flowers and long leaves to 75cm.  Ssp
cretensis, the Cretan form, is very much dwarfer with very narrow
leaves to 20cm long (often less) and aller flowers.  The larger forms
provide buds on tubes long enough to be picked, an attractive
centrepiece on the Christmas table if you are lucky.  The very dwarf
form has almost stemless flowers and is suitable for a sunny,
sheltered, well drained rock garden.  I believe that the Greek forms
are intermediate in size.

Tony Goode.  Norwich UK.  Mintemp -8C

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