TOW - Digital Photography of Plants and subsequent manipulationof images for printing, the web etc.

Lauw de Jager
Mon, 16 Dec 2002 12:12:31 PST

John Lonsdale a *crit :

> I now use a digital camera to meet all my photography needs, prints, slides
> and web images.

  John,   how do you produce slides from digital images?

>   I have two programs which are indispensable - one to manage my image
> database, and one to
> manipulate the images into their final form.  The former is called
> ThumbsPlus

>  One of the prime uses I make of it is to batch rename all my
> images - saves typing these in for every one.  This program also has a
> preview feature - you can look at large previews of each file instantly by
> clicking on the thumbnail.
> After naming, some manipulation is always going to be necessary to get the
> finished product and for this I use Adobe Photoshop.

Many thanks for leading this  particular interesting discussion. So far it
becoming quite clear to me. As I understand the two progams Thumbsplus and
Photoshop are intended to receive, name and manupilate the images.
However, I  would like some help with how to store, manage the various images.
First I thought to stock them in my current database which manages the species
for the nursery. But that make makes too whealdy to work with. Would it be
possible to  use a separate database such as File maker of the Microsoft Acces
for storing and   organising the images ( each image accompanied with
information such as  name, date, place taken or origin and  the use made of it
As  all scans and digital images are  stored at  a high resolution , which
demands  high capacity storage. I envisage to  purchase a a high capacity hard
disc inwhich to unload all images photo CD and photo files in the computer.
Any ideas and help woud be much appreciated

Kind regards

Lauw de Jager
BULB'ARGENCE, 30300 Fourques, France
Région: Provence/Camargue, (Climat zone 9a Mediterranean)

"GUIDE POUR BULBES  MÉDITERRANÉENS": 116 pages, 400 photos, prix 10 E
LE CATALOGUE D'HIVER (WINTERCATALOG) sera disponible en janvier; vous pouvez
commander par le site maintenant pour un envoi, à partir de maintenant jusqu'à
fin mars.
(En fleurs actuellement à l'extérieur: Cyclamen pseudibericum, Dahlia
imperialis, Gladiolus dalenii, Crocus, Oxalis bowiei, versicolor, masoniorum,
Nerine undulata, bowdeni 'Pink Triumph', Narcissus tazetta 'Paperwhite',
Chinese sacred lily,  Double, Moraea polystachya, Lachenalia bulbifera)


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