
Ann Marie
Wed, 06 Aug 2003 14:24:46 PDT
I second that, it is a big job and I appreciate the time you are taking away from your garden to do this for the group.  Thanks Ann Marie

Marguerite English <> wrote:///Dear/ Mary Sue: Thank you so much for your efforts to maintain our 
archives, the wiki and introduce interesting discussion topics. I know 
this is a bi-i-i-ig job, and I know we all appreciate how much you do.

At 11:59 AM 8/6/2003 -0700, you wrote:
> I spent weeks on the project, sometimes many hours each day. Then I 
> redid them when there were mistakes and after that I said I was done 
> forever in spite of more mistakes that appeared the second time around. 
> The trouble is that it wasn't clear exactly what keys were needed for the 
> new software to be able to read what we had.

Marguerite English,
Vice President, Advertising Chairperson
Pacific Bulb Society

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Ann Marie Rametta

So. California, San Gabriel Valley, Zone 21 (Sunset Western Garden book) , influenced by both marine and interior air(Santa Ana winds). This makes it perfect for Citrus trees, Lilacs, some tropical plants and most So African plants. 

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