Bulbs for Texas

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Tue, 10 Jun 2003 10:46:14 PDT
Dear Cynthia and Theresa,

It is amazing all that you can grow given your challenging gardening 
conditions. I was interested in the web site and seeing all those Texas 
geophytes. There were a lot of different genera represented. I was glad to 
see them using scientific names when you clicked on the thumbnails since I 
wondered what some of them were.

My late parents lived for a number of year in Midland where Shawn Pollard 
now lives. It is high desert there, but people do water their gardens. I'm 
not sure much would survive with just what nature provides. After getting 
Hippeastrum hybrids for Christmas presents a lot of people plant them out 
and they come back to bloom every year. I'd think it would be too cold. 
Another friend always looked forward to the Mirabilis jalapa which blooms 
in the summer and another praised Ornithogalum umbellatum which is 
considered a week in some climates.

I think Mark McDonough grows some Texas alliums. Do either of you grow many 
of the native bulbs? I think we have a couple of other Texas residents who 
are members of this list and I hope you will share what you have tried 
planting out that has survived.

Mary Sue

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