BX 23

Alberto Castillo ezeizabotgard@hotmail.com
Wed, 05 Mar 2003 12:28:52 PST
Dear all:
         Some details on the items sent. Sow all without delay

Habranthus coeruleus. This is the first time ever that this elusive species 
is offered for distribution. I searched the type location for decades 
without ever finding it (there is a big city on it!). Finally some one else 
find a Habranthus that could not key and it was sent to me. It finally keyed 
out to H. coeruleus, meaning "blue". It is not really blue but a lilac with 
an apple green base. It turns blue once the flowers dries up and in a 
herbarium it would look blue. It needs warmth (sugarcane country!) and it is 
an autumn/winter/spring grower and summer dormant with almost year round 
rains. Only a late summer drought precedes flowering in early autumn. Well 
drained  acid soil in full sun in the wild.

Habranthus versicolor. An Uruguayan species that is easy and lovely. From a 
stunning ruby red bud it opens a pale pink with reddish brown base. 
Cultivation as above although it can tolerate cooler conditions than the one 
above. Autumn/winter/spring grower with a summer dormancy.

Habranthus robustus. These are seeds of a superb form collected in the 
seashore in S. Brazil. Very large flowers and of a deep rose not much 
different than the one in Zephyranthes grandiflora. A great image from Bill 
looks much like this. Sugarcane country, autumn/winter/spring grower with a 
hot summer dormancy.

Cooperia morrisclintii. This is a lovely sugar pink flowered Cooperia from 
Mexico, very easy. Large flowers freely produced and robust if grown in full 
sun in well drained alkaline soil. Spring/summer/autumn grower and DRY 
winter dormant.

Good luck

P. S.: Cypella plumbea 'Platensis' many of us grow as Phallocallis 
coelestis. This is the lovely sky blue form but in the past there was 
another one in cultivation supposedly lead colored (this is what plumbea 

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