Virus in bulbs

Mary Sue Ittner
Sun, 02 Mar 2003 07:53:03 PST
Dear Alberto,

What a super idea you have for creating a wiki page to show virused bulbs. 
I think we all panic and I for one have spent hours looking on the web to 
see if I could find anything that could help me figure out what to look 
for. What is out there is very spotty.

You seem to know more about virus than many of us. If you would post a few 
paragraphs about virus on our list I will create a wiki page with that 
information. And then anyone who has photographs of leaves or flowers of 
virused bulbs please upload them to the wiki. Probably most of us don't 
take pictures of the same in our haste to get rid of them but if you have 
anything I think it would be really helpful. I think we may all have plants 
that we don't know are virused. I just thought my Sparaxis was really 
beautiful and so did others until Alberto pronounced it virused.

Perhaps we should do a disease page eventually and show signs of other 
problems, that is if we know enough and have enough pictures to do this.

Mary Sue

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