
Sun, 23 Nov 2003 02:48:05 PST
Jamie Vande    Cologne    Germany    Zone 8

Although I do not presently grow any Sinningias,  I am fascinated by the current TOW and simply want to encourage more!  This group has always been fascinating and underrated in my eyes, with most associations being made with the florist Gloxinia and African Violet!  I suppose their fame has led to a degree of neglect for many Gesneriads!  (OK, there definitely are a few rabid fans out there!  Yes, Yes, YES!)  I remember planting (mounting) a Streptocarpus hybrid to a piece of black pumice, as a tennager, and being wonderfully surprised at how wonderfully it grew!  Moisture and good air circulation are paramount for many members of this group, which have apparently found their niche and exploited it to the best of possibilities!  A group to be admired!  With or without tubers.

Can anyone discuss raising from seed in more detail?  I've never tried it, but now my appetite is well whetted!  Would they respond similarly to tuberous begonia methods?  I suspect damping-off may be a big problem in closed quarters.

Ciao and a special thanks to Bill and John for pushing the envelope!

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