
J.E. Shields jshields104@insightbb.com
Sun, 25 Apr 2004 07:50:59 PDT
Hi Kevin and all,

The Louisiana riverine plant, my #664, is finishing blooming just now.  The 
H. liriosme from coastal Texas have not bloomed yet, although they are in 
the same greenhouse.  I tried self-pollinating the #664; maybe I'll get a 
few seeds -- sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, with #664.

The foliage of #664 is thinner than that of the Texas liriosme.  Last 
summer, the Texas liriosme bloomed in mid-summer.  I'm waiting to see when 
it blooms this year.  As noted, one bulb of the Texas liriosme survived the 
winter here outdoors in the ground -- and very protected.

I had assumed that #664 was liriosme, until I saw the plants Thad sent me 
as liriosme.  Now I am a bit more skeptical about that identity.  It may 
simply be a local Louisiana variant of liriosme.

At 09:51 AM 4/25/2004 -0400, you wrote:
>Jim Shields, the plant you gave me from LA, a riverivne plant, looks like
>Jim Zimmerman's H. caroliniana, which looks to me like H. liriosme, with a
>yellow center and long tepals - H. coronaria is from rivers in LA and AL to
>SC and has yellow centers, but tepals are short.  This is not H.
>occidentalis (Howard suggests H. caroliniana = H. occidentalis, which is in
>accurate since occidentalis is vailid and H. caroliniana refers to
>Pancratium maritimum)...

Most of what is sold as H. caroliniana is actually H. occidentalis.  The 
name occidentalis also seems to cover what Thad Howard refers to as 
galvestonensis.  I have not tested the Louisiana "galvestonensis" 
(occidentalis) outdoors in the ground yet.  All the other accessions I have 
of occidentalis seem to be hardy here in the ground.

Jim Shields
in central Indiana

>Thad Howard in BULBS for Warm Climates suggests that H. choctawensis might
>be a syn for liriosme.  This is incorrect, as they are not the same species
>as anyone who has sen both would understand.  That is not to say that at
>some point in LA there isn't introgression and possible hybridization
>between these two.
>Kevin Preuss

Jim Shields             USDA Zone 5             Shields Gardens, Ltd.
P.O. Box 92              WWW:    http://www.shieldsgardens.com/
Westfield, Indiana 46074, USA
Tel. ++1-317-867-3344     or      toll-free 1-866-449-3344 in USA

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