Leucojum/Acis autumnale and Lewisia

Barbara Weintraub blweintraub1@earthlink.net
Fri, 30 Apr 2004 18:02:01 PDT
Hi All,

Jane writes:
>In other words, USDA Zone 5 (average winter lows down to minus 20 F) is 
>not a likely garden home for any them, but if snow cover is VERY reliable, 
>you might try L. autumnale, which is very cheap to buy.

I have just planted L. autumnale for the first time in hopes that the 
little clump of seedlings will build up enough energy to flower and then 
make it through the winter with protection. I have found that some plants 
that are commonly expected to die in our climate, don't, and that some that 
are expected to thrive, don't. Thus, I've become more of an experimental 
gardener over time.

I'll let you know in a year how this species does.

Incidentally, there was a discussion in January about Lewisia 'Little 
Plum.' Mine has developed several little rosettes and looks healthy. I 
don't see any flower buds yet. I'll post a photo when it blooms.

For those unfamiliar with the changeable spring in the western high desert, 
we had spitting sleet this afternoon, with a possible freeze tonight, and 
70 degrees a couple of days ago!

- Barbara

Leaf and Stone
Barbara L. Weintraub
Santa Fe, NM 87508-8769
7000 feet elevation

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