Rare Clivia Auction Ends in 24 Hours or less

J.E. Shields jshields104@insightbb.com
Fri, 10 Dec 2004 09:35:12 PST
Hi all,

The auction of rare and valuable Clivia plants in support of the March, 
2005, International Clivia Symposium and Show, will be closing in about 24 

See what is on offer and where the bidding stands at: 

There is still time to bid on some fabulous plants. For instance, 'Ramona' 
is one of the most sought-after and hard to get Clivia cultivars in the 
world. See the comments and picture of it in Harold Koopowitz's book 
"Clivias" (Timber Press, 2002).

'Anastasia' has crested petals -- ridges along the midline rising above 
each petal. A unique and unobtainable plants except here and now in the 
North American Clivia Society Auction!

In a little over 24 hours, both these treasures will have been sold. They 
are not likely to be available again in the foreseeable future.

Take a look at the extraordinary "fasciated" plant of 'Lemon Chiffon' -- a 
fan of 6 or 7 divisions.

The there are the plants of James Comstock's 'Sabre Dance' (spider) and 
'Octagon' (multipetal) cultivars.

'Free Love' is absolutely unique among "parti-colored" clivias. The flowers 
open yellow, almost white. Then they turn shades of pink and orange as they 

Feast your eyes, and open your purses in support of the Third International 
Clivia Symposium and Show at the Huntington Galleries, Library, and 
Botanical Gardens, San Marino (Pasadena), California. Go to: 

Jim Shields

Dr. James E. Shields, president
North American Clivia Society, Inc.
P.O. Box 92                                         Tel. ++1-317-896-3925
Westfield, IN 46074                   E-mail: <jshields104@insightbb.com>
USA                   http://northamericancliviasociety.org/index.html/

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