Boggled brain

Susan Hayek
Tue, 24 Feb 2004 23:15:31 PST
>  >>If you are interested in growing South African bulbs that are 
>mostly from winter rainfall areas I highly recommend The Color 
>Encyclopedia of Cape Bulbs by John Manning, Peter Goldblatt, and Dee 

**I'm rather overwhelmed by the amount of information offered on the pbs list.
Are there any other bulb books listers would recommend?
I put The Color Encyclopedia of Cape Bulbs on my wish list.
Now to win the lottery.

The only catalog I have on hand to use as reference is last year's 
'Brent and Becky's Bulbs', and I do an occasional google search.
I am also entranced by the C. chrysanthus 'Prins Claus' pictured today.
All the photos, all of them, have been mind boggling.

Too many plants to learn, too little time to grow them.

susan hayek
fortuna, northern coast of ca, (we can see a peek of water), Zone 9
very very VERY windy tonight, my cuttings are taking a beating
Owned by Jasper & Schubert the Standard Poodles, Pup-Quiz the 
Basenji, puppy Basenji boy, Jones, & Gracie the Rhodesian

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