Favorite Yellow Flowered Bulbs--TOW

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Tue, 20 Jan 2004 16:31:58 PST
Dear All,

Won't any of the rest of you tell us about your favorite yellow flowered 
bulbs? What about all you Narcissus fans?

I've had a very difficult time deciding as there are quite a number of ones 
I absolutely love. I found John's response very interesting. Here is mine, 
not necessarily in order of preference:

1. My first one would be a Calochortus and there are quite a few nice 
yellow flowered species. If I go with reliability I'd have to vote for 
Calochortus luteus with strong competition from C. amabilis. They are both 
wonderful plants and very different and if I had six choices I'd include 
them both.

2. I have been praising Oxalis luteola for a number of months now and that 
is one of the reasons it would make my list. It blooms for months on end, 
with bright yellow flowers to brighten the winter days, green leaves, 
sometimes red stems and often red under the leaves.

3. Triteleia ixioides is one of my favorite plants. If I just name it by 
the species name I can include all the wonderful subspecies. Last year I 
had one or the other blooming from January through June. The variety 
'Tiger' is a wonderful plant. They seem to be a bit later this year, but 
soon will start the show.

4. Nothoscordum felipponei (syn. Ipheion dialystemon, Ipheion sellowianum) 
can give me two for one with the name change, bright yellow fragrant 
flowers in winter, nice green leaves, and happy memories of my visit to 
Bill Dijk in New Zealand.

5. The last one is hard since there are quite a few I'd like to pick, but I 
think I will go with Tulipa batalini. This little tulip is so charming. It 
blooms after many of my other tulips have faded and I can always count on 
it year after year.

I'm sure all of these are pictured on the wiki.

Mary Sue
Mary Sue Ittner
California's North Coast
Wet mild winters with occasional frost
Dry mild summers

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