Allium guttatum varieties
Tue, 06 Jul 2004 20:21:31 PDT
Arnold has pointed out an excellent allium (A. guttatum ssp. sardoum), one 
that needs to be grown by more bulb lovers.  As he points out, it's hard to 
photograph, being merely a shuttle-cock shaped knob of white on a tall slender 
stem.  But the detail in the inflorescence is something worth studying and 
admiring... the tiny florets so evenly spaced yet not touching, that it inspires 
wonder about the geometry in nature. 

Also unusual, is that the fact the outer side of the tiny florets, in this 
subspecies, are marked with gray-olive green, yet the pedicels suspending the 
florets are vivid white, adding to the inner grow and visual effect of buds 
"suspended" in an evenly space explosion of sorts.

There was already a photo (by me) for this species, in the "drumstick onion" 
grouping of Allium, so I moved Arnolds photograph to this Allium wiki section. 
 In addition to a photo of this variety by me and Arnold, I uploaded a photo 
of A. guttatum ssp. dalmaticum, the purplish-flowered variant of the species; 
all found at:…

P.S.  these varieties of Allium are commercially available from Pacific Rim 

Mark McDonough Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States "New England" USDA Zone 5
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alliums, bulbs, penstemons, hardy hibiscus, western 
american alpines, iris, plants of all types!

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