Hymenocallis liriosme: new photo on wiki

Jim McKenney jimmckenney@starpower.net
Tue, 08 Jun 2004 19:31:25 PDT
Dear All:

Joe Shaw of Conway, Texas recently offered seeds of Hymenocallis liriosme.
The seeds and bulb he sent me are shown on the Hymenocallis page:

These seeds raise some questions for me. I've seen similar structures on
Crinum in my garden. Are they seeds? Are they parthenocarps? Are they
polyembryonic? Do the species which produce these structures also produce
"normal" seeds?

With most amaryllids, each fertilized flower produces many seeds. But these
structures from Hymenocallis liriosme are derived from one flower, right?
Does that mean that each fertilized flower produces but one big seed? Or do
these structures contain multiple embryos? Do they correspond to a single
seed or do they correspond to a full capsule? 

Can anyone explain what these are?

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, zone 7 where brood X is still buzzing


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