Seed pods - good or bad?
Mon, 28 Jun 2004 23:04:21 PDT
In a message dated 28-Jun-04 4:05:06 PM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:

> Too bad Stan Farwig, a long time amateur grower and
> >expert on Calochortus and So. African geophytes, is no
> >longer with us to discuss pro and con of effect of
> >seed setting. He once told me he felt this took
> >strength from the corm and inhibited bloom the
> >following year. 

All ~

This argument has been going on in the daffodil world for years.  With 
respect to daffodils, the situation is just a little different.  As has been 
observed (in other submissions to the list) geophytes that set seed take longer to 
senesce but do so almost immediately the seed is ripe.  The daffodil stem is 
green and alive all through the seed ripening process and undoubtedly functions 
as a leaf photosynthesizing what the plant requires to keep it from drawing 
down the reserves in the bulb.  As a daffodil hybridizer, a given bulb in my 
patch will often carry a seed pod each season.  It doesn't seem to affect the bulb 
as it will bloom the next season seemingly without loss of vigor.  

I know of no particular experiements that have been done with daffodils and 
to examine this phenomenon.  It may be, on the other hand, that enough energy 
is drained (in spite of the photosynthetic contribution of the stem) from the 
bulb to preclude its dividing that year; I've never looked at the issue that 
closely to know for certain.  Bulb increase by division usually occurs each 
season under a normal growing situation. 

Dave Karnstedt
Cascade Daffodils
Silverton, Oregon, USA
Cool Mediterranean climate with cool/cold wet winters and warm, dry summers.

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