Pronounce this!

James Frelichowski
Tue, 30 Mar 2004 16:55:14 PST
That can't be as bad as this:

I went to a summer and the guy was giving a seminar
about Pine trees in china.  He kept saying the genus
Pinus with an 'e' instead of an 'i'.  I never had to
bite my toungue and hold my mouth so hard for 40

James Frelichowski
Shafter, CA

--- wrote:
> Hello All,
> I can't help but relate an experience I had with a
> local grower known for his 
> terrible Latin.  We were talking about new upcoming
> perennials and perennials 
> we felt should be introduced into the market.  I
> thought that Gentiana 
> septemfida should become commonly available.  He
> said, "I don't think Genitals can 
> be grown.  They're too difficult for people like us
> (the growers.)"  I turned 
> aside and nearlly fell over.  Not only that, he
> continued to say it over the 
> course of the conversation!
> I knew what he meant, but OUCH
> Michael
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