Leucojum fontianum/tingitanum (again!)

Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Wed, 31 Mar 2004 18:03:17 PST
Rodger Whitlock wrote,
BTW, if you use Google to recover the key I refer to, it's in French.
>If you use Google's translation feature, be aware that it slightly
>garbles the output, translating proper names (Maire -> "Mayor"),
>abbreviations (an abbreviated journal name "Jour. somethingorother"
>comes out as "Day. Club-footed."), and turning fragments of text
>in other languages into nearly meaningless English.

Hilarious mistranslations can occur when scientific text is submitted to 
machine translation. If you happen to know the German word for "seeds," you 
can imagine one that made me fall on the floor laughing.

If somebody wants to send me the key, I can translate it non-mechanically.

Jane McGary

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