Wiki page available?

Susan Hayek
Sun, 24 Oct 2004 19:02:18 PDT
>Although I often have trouble accessing the wiki in the morning 
>(Pacific time), I've not had trouble with it recently and not this 
>morning when I did a quick check on things, but this is still the 
>weekend in the USA. Did you try reloading or refreshing your page? 
>How about the rest of you? I can send a note to help if a lot of 
>people are having trouble with this.

**wiki is loading fine tonight in Northern California.

susan, who is.....
owned by Jasper & Schubert the Standard Poodles, Gracie the 
Rhodesian, Pup-Quiz the Basenji and their Basenji brother, Jones.... 
on the North Coast of CA, USA, copyright 2004

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