BX Successes--TOW

Jay Yourch JYOURCH@nc.rr.com
Wed, 06 Oct 2004 19:18:42 PDT
Hi All,

Here is my BX report.  I am reporting successes and don't know yets, no 
failures yet that I know of.  Many thanks to all of the contributors, many 
of these have been on my wish list for a long time and I was not sure I 
would ever find them.  Also many thanks to Dell Sherk for managing the 
exchange so well.  I will follow up later on the don't know yets.



BX 66:

From Dell Sherk:
Seeds of Zephyranthes katherinae
Seeds of Habranthus martinezii

Both of these I forwarded to Alani Davis, so I will ask him for a report on 
their progress.
BX 67:

From Mary Sue Ittner:
Seeds of Cyclamen creticum - direct sown in garden, no sign yet but must 
look again soon.
Seeds of Cyclamen pseuibericum - direct sown in garden, no sign yet but must 
look again soon.
BX 68:

From Mary Sue Ittner:
Bulbs of Oxalis brasilensis - planted in garden, recently sprouted and

From Pat Colville:
Bulb of Veltheimia bracteata - potted and kept dry until recently, making 
good growth now.
Bulbs of Scilla peruviana - planted in garden, recently sprouted and 
BX 69:

From Dell Sherk:
Bulb of Griffinia espiritensis espiritensis - potted and making good growth.

From Arnold Trachtenberg:
Bulb of Arum korolkowii - planted in garden, no sign of it above ground yet.
Bulb of Arum palaestinum - planted in garden, no sign of it above ground 
BX 70:

From Hamish Sloan:
Seeds of the following rain lilies:

Habranthus gracilifolius
Habranthus tubispathus rosea
Cooperanthes lancasterae
Zephyranthes verecunda
Zephyranthes 'pseudo-Libra'

All of the these rain lily seeds were sown directly in the garden and all
germinated rapidly and are growing well.

From Jim Waddick:
Seeds of Crinum bulbispermum 'Jumbo' strain (Hannibal/ Sheppard) mix - sown 
directly in garden.  Radicles emerged rapidly and most have a leaf up now 
BX 73:

From Marilyn Pekasky:
Seeds of Crinum kirkii - too late in the season to direct sow Crinum, so I 
sowed them in a container that I will keep frost free this winter.  Radicles 
out on most, no leaves yet.

From Joyce Miller:
Seeds of a yellow Cooperia cv - direct sown in garden, germinated rapidly 
and are growing well.

From Lynn Makela:
Seeds of Zephyranthes jacala (Z. katherinae var. jacala?) - direct sown in 
garden, germinated rapidly and are growing well.
BX 74:

From Hans Joschko:
Seeds of the following rain lilies:

Habranthus texanus
Zephyranthes x 'Fred Jones'
Zephyranthes ? gracilis - looked like Habranthus seeds to me
Zephyranthes sp. small,pink flowers
Habranthus martinezii

All of the these rain lily seeds were sown directly in the garden and all
germinated rapidly and are growing well.

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