Crinum hardiness

Jim Lykos
Tue, 28 Sep 2004 06:50:56 PDT
Hi Steve,

I  grow  these Crinums (apart from Hana)  in a warmer location 
equivalent to  zone 10.   C. xanthophyllum is by far the most 
temperature sensitive of all  of these and without warmth in winter will 
not even survive in a cool glasshouse in  zone 10.  All the remaining 
Crinums will grow outdoors in my zone, but C. augustum  and  asiaticum  
are susceptible to  frost  burning all the leaves during winter, even 
though mature plants  will survive all but severe frosts. 
The Southern   NSW  variants  of Crinum  pedunculatum in grow in the 
wild  in mild  frosts areas and will manage all but prolonged frost 
periods or severe frosts which will damage all leaf tissues. 
The North Queensland forms of C. pedunculatum are from the Australian 
tropics have thinner textured leaves and are no different  than C. 
asiaticum or augustum in there ability to manage winter conditions.

Jim Lykos
Blue Mountains - Sydney

Burger, Steve wrote:

>Can anyone speak to the hardiness of the following Crinums; Crinum
>augustum (I've seen it angustum???),Crinum pedunculatum, Crinum x
>'Hana', and Crinum xanthophyllum  ?  Perhaps you can speak of them as
>they compare to C. asiaticum.  
>Steve Burger
>Applications Analyst
>Children's Healthcare of Atlanta
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