moles, voles, and other devourers of geophytes.

Jane McGary
Fri, 16 Dec 2005 09:56:04 PST
Adam wrote,

>To those struggling with hardware cloth:  Have you tried interplanting your
>bulbs with various Tagetes, euphorbias, etc.?
>There are number of websites that really endorse these remedies.

Because the small, attractive, and (in this climatic region) controllable 
Euphorbia myrsinites self-sows freely in an area where I have many bulbs, 
this approach has been tried here de facto if not intentionally, and it 
does not work. I would not recommend the planting of most Euphorbia 
species; some are banned in some US states, and most of them are invasive 
in the garden if not also in the (degraded) natural environment. The 
so-called mole plant, E. cyparissias (sp?), should never be introduced; it 
is famously ineradicable. I'm still trying to get rid of E. griffithii, 
which has retreated from me into the root zone of a good rhodendron.

As for Tagetes ("marigolds" to American gardeners), I think they're planted 
mostly to deter leaf-eating insects.

Jane McGary
Northwestern Oregon, USA

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