PBS site migration

Mary Sue Ittner msittner@mcn.org
Sat, 05 Mar 2005 07:51:38 PST
Dear Cynthia,

Perhaps someone in our group who is more expert than I am can answer your 
question. The first  reference I got on Google to Pacific Bulb Society had 
the correct address, but the ones underneath did not, but if you clicked on 
them you were immediately redirected.

The message from ibiblio about the proposed redirect was: "This will 
transparently redirect users to the .org, .net, etc. url as well as trigger 
the removal of these directories the next time a search engine reindexes 
ibiblio.org." Perhaps that means that eventually those addresses will 
change on Google? But I don't really know how Google and the other search 
engines work. I think someone asked how long before they pick up 
information and don't recall anyone responding.

One of the useful things I have learned as we have been testing pages is 
how to clear my cache. I have found that when a page does not load, if I 
clear my cache, it often appears. So I always try that. For Windows 
keyboards you use the shift key and reload on your browser. For Mac 
keyboards you use the option key and reload. I'm not sure it will work in 
this situation however if you are using the wrong url.

Mary Sue
>I notice that if you type in 'Pacific Bulb Society' into Google you are
>directed to the PBS home page, which still has a 'ibiblio' citation.
>Will this change, too?

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