Tulipa clusiana var. chrysantha

Arnold Trachtenberg arnold@nj.rr.com
Mon, 21 Mar 2005 16:05:10 PST

Tulipa clusiana

  *clusiana DC. From gardens. Flowers white to cream, carmine red on 
exterior of outer segments, base violet. Outer segments to 6 x 1.5 cm. 
Ht. 20-30 cm. IV.

  clusiana DC. var. cashmeriana * Coll. by PNK. in Kashmir, near 
Srinagar, in 1969. Lovely slender Tulip, flowers pinkish white with 
broad carmine red bands on exterior of outer segments. Center ranging 
from pale yellow to deep pink. Ht. 15-25 cm. IV.

  clusiana DC. var. chrysantha (A.D. Hall) Sealy * A garden selection by 
J.M.C. Hoog from wild source material, collected on the Afghan Indian 
border in 1923. Flowers deep golden yellow, colored crimson on the 
exterior. Ht. 15-20 cm. IV. AGM.

  clusiana DC. var. chrysantha (A.D. Hall) Sealy 'Tubergen's Gem' * A 
fine large flowered selection from the preceding variety, found at 
Zwanenburg Nurseries. Ht. 20-25 cm. IV - V.

  clusiana DC. 'Cynthia' * Raised by C.J.H. Hoog from a cross between T. 
clusiana and T. clusiana var. chrysantha. It is intermediate between 
both. Flowers pale yellow to creamy, with broad crimson bands on the 
exterior. Base purplish, anthers soft green. Ht. 20-30 cm. IV.

  clusiana DC. 'Sheila' * Raised by IVT, Wageningen. Exterior primrose 
yellow (CC 4b), outer tepals with a cardinal red (CC 53 b) flame from 
base to top. Base dresden-yellow (CC 5a). Inside primrose yellow (CC 4a) 
with faint red stripes (CC 53b). Center bronze yellow (CC 153c). Anthers 
purple (CC 79a), pollen yellow (CC 4b). When aging, inside of flower 
gaining brown red. Ht. 20-30 cm. IV

*From Dix Import


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