all allium to eat?

Cynthia Mueller
Sat, 05 Nov 2005 17:04:09 PST
Yes, I have them in my garden in College Station.  They are always up, bloom nicely, and don't mind seeding here and there at will.  Two Chinese MD's lived here before me, so they probably planted the garlic chives.  They are not eaten by insects nor snails.  Thrive here in the heat of summer much better than regular chives.

Cynthia W. Mueller
College Station TX

>>> 11/02/05 4:43 PM >>>
anyone grows chinese chives?  i believe it's an Allium
too, and you can eat the leaves as well as the
flowering heads (sometimes called chinese
fiddleheads).  it is delicious sauteed with chicken or
other veggies.

tsuh yang

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