Nerine sarniensis and its varieties and hybrids

Jim McKenney
Wed, 05 Oct 2005 20:04:51 PDT
Mary Sue, when you write "This is a plant with winter rainfall and dry
summers. It is dormant in summer"  the winter and summer you are referring
to are the northern hemisphere ones, right? Or are you saying that the
plants in southern Africa grow during their winter and are dormant during
their summer? 

From the little experience I have had with these plants, I would agree that
summer drought can be overdone.  For instance, my plants this year were so
dry that one of the bulbs actually started to shrivel. 

It turns out that the vegetable crisper of the refrigerator is a great place
to store seeds and dormant bulbs. Luckily, no one here has tried to eat any
of them! This year, for instance, I may try the Tecophilaea in the
refrigerator during the six or so coldest months of our winter. It will
depend on how the foliage looks in late December. Last year I wintered
Calydorea coelestina in the refrigerator with great results. Tigridia, too,
come through the winter stored moist (not, as always recommended, dry) in
the 'fridge plump and sassy, not a bit like the hard, dry mummies stored at
dry at room temperature. 

Something tells me I won't have the discipline to move the Nerine in and out
of the refrigerator daily during their dormant period. Maybe I'll try a week
or two in and a week or two out and see what happens. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where if you ever visit and
spend the night, you had better be careful if you do a midnight raid on the

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