West coast peonies

Max Withers maxwithers@gmail.com
Wed, 07 Jun 2006 12:12:52 PDT
I have just now finished reading the extensive Paeonia archives from 
2004. There are two questions that might profitably be revisited, and 
which are relevant to Western Australia as well (though not so much for 
the cut flowers).

1. Is anyone growing Tree Peonies in the (relatively) frost-free climes 
of the west, and if so, which cultivars are doing well? Presumably they 
are P. suffruticosa cvs.?

2. Mediterrannean species peonies. James Waddick originally mentioned:

P. broter[o]i*
P. clusii
P. coriacea*
P. corsica* [as P. cambessedesii]
P. mascula*
P. parnassica
P. rhodia
and some geographic forms of P. officinalis, P. per[e]grina and P. daurica* 

    A. The asterisked species are offered by Pacific Rim Nursery 
(http://www.hillkeep.ca/ts%20paeonia.htm). Are there other sources?
    B. Who is growing these, and how are they doing?

Also, a new question: I have seen chill requirements expressed as hours 
below 45 degrees (F), and hours below 40 degrees. Which is it? The 
answer is crucial, at least in zone 17.

Max Withers
Where a local "Master Gardener" told me I should grow Pelargoniums 
instead of Peonies.

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