
Angela and Dean Offer
Sat, 03 Jun 2006 17:47:24 PDT
Hello thanks David
Can you tell me a little about the Bomarea,
what do they look like, grow like?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Victor" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2006 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: [pbs] Alstromeria

> I've just read the pieces about Alstromeria and their hardiness and 
> thought that I might some experience from the UK.
> I grow a fair number of species Alstromeria, mainly from John Watson 
> collections.  All of them are grown in deep pots in a cold greenhouse 
> - late frosts in my part of the UK (most years the last one is around 
> this point of the year) make it impossible to grow them 
> outside.  Normally they flower in mid spring, mostly April 
> time.  However, this year, a cold period early in the year penetrated 
> the greenhouse protection and destroyed some of the top growth.  As a 
> result, they have been set back by a couple of months and are just 
> coming into flower now.  A. pulchra, A. patagonica, A gayan, A. 
> pelegrina and A. magenta are all in flower today and more are breaking.
> The Bomarea suffered a similar fate and are also in the process of 
> flowering today.
> Incidentally, someone asked last year for me to swap notes on 
> Watson's collections.  Sadly, I have lost the note, so I would 
> welcome a reminder of who it was.
> Best regards,
> David Victor 
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