On trilliums and more

Matt Mattus mmattus@charter.net
Sun, 04 Jun 2006 08:13:10 PDT
Of course Trillium are interesting Mark!  Maybe the lack of response is
because the season is just about over, and many have refocused on
Ornithogalum and other bulbs. As a relatively close neighbor of yours, the
most I can boast of is a few sand beds in the greenhouse of Rhodohypoxis in
full bloom. Although, on a hike Friday, our native Painted Trillium, T.
undulatum  we're just past bloom.

Mark, where does T. cuneatum fit on your list, or is it on the Key, and I
just haven't looked yet? It's one of my favorites to grow, and I am not that
far from you. Although, T. rivale is my ultimate favorite, but you always
seem to out bid me at our local rare plant auctions!

Here at the house, a rather tattered pot of Ornithogalum magnum is in bloom
but rather sad looking since the foliage always gets ratty for me. I don't
grow it in the ground, only in pots. Is it hardy here in Zone 5B anyone?

Ornithogalum convallarioides is even in worse condition, and any hints on
mastering this bulb would be appreciated. As soon as a leave emerges, slugs
consume it over night. At least, that is what I think happens to it. Maybe a
nice position on raised pie plate island surrounded by beer? It grown in a
pot, in the greenhouse.

O. fimbriatum is just about heading into dormancy here, I have it in the dry
alpine sand bed in a small greenhouse going dry. For me, it blooms in
January, in the cold glass house.

I would welcome advice on two other plants too, first Alstroemeria
caryophyllaea. I had a gallon pot, tossed and forgotten under a greenhouse
bench, and today, I found it sprouting and looking quite nice actually.
Should I plant it in a larger pot in the greenhouse, or in the ground in the
greenhouse? I am  assuming the ground, where it could possible bloom once

My second advice ( or third!) request is a Peony issue - Paeonia
californica. I received a seedling from John Lonsdale, and he told me to
keep it protected in the cold greenhouse during our cold winters.. I am
quite unfamiliar with this plant, so any advice on what I should expect and
do with it would be appreciated! Plunge it? Large pot? Soil? Dormancy?

A brief note on what's happening here, in this very wet and rainy Worcester
Massachusetts garden (Zone 5B). Today, the white camassia which we're so
well budded, are rotted. A singe plant remains. In the greenhouse plunge, a
new pot of Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus has bloomed.

Matt Mattus
Worcester, Massachusetts
Zone 5b

On 6/3/06 9:07 PM, "Antennaria@aol.com" <Antennaria@aol.com> wrote:

> Hello,
>> From the complete absence of response, can I assume no one grows the various
> southeastern Trillium, except of course John Lonsdale who grows all of these
> treasures.  How do these easy-to-grow yet lesser-known treasures grow for
> others. They're surprisingly hardy and successful here in northeastern USA.
> Surely, there must be some comment.  What, Jim McK... no comment on any of
> these???  
> ==============================================
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