
Mary Sue Ittner
Fri, 02 Jun 2006 07:07:41 PDT
On the topic of Alstroemeria, I've planted out a number of ones that Roy 
Sachs gave me in my garden. They come back and spread, but do not bloom so 
this may be worse than having them die in a cold climate. I believe we 
discussed this on another forum and if I remember the conclusion was they 
needed better soil (or fertilization) than they can get in my garden. I 
have one exception and that is one that resurrected from some tubers I 
tossed and thought I had disposed of. In this one spot of my garden for a 
number of years now I have a lot of blooms for months and months. They are 
also spreading too much in this spot, but the flowers are so pretty I hate 
to disturb them.

Mary Sue

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