Scilla bifolia

James Waddick
Thu, 23 Mar 2006 06:26:34 PST
Dear All;
	As the weather rips through the garden and turns blooms and 
bloom seasons topsy-turvy there is one item to point out.
	Years a go my friend, the late Dodo Denney, waxed over the 
tiny Scilla bifolia until I bought a few bulbs in typical blue or all 
white. The white were weak growers and soon faded, and the small size 
got them kind of lost in the garden, but to my surprise they have 
self sown here and there-actually far and wide and even at their tiny 
size, and stand out in the bleaker areas of the garden and in the 
snow, hail and rain.

	I went to the wiki pages to offer a picture and found no 
entry! A quick Google brought up thousands of hits (naturally) 
including S.b."Rosea' which I now recall also bit the dust.  So it 
may merit description and discussion.

	As the name suggests it has 2 tiny leaves held at an angle 
(rabbit ears), but between 2  - 4 inches tall and narrow. The flower 
is in a very dense spike of tiny star shaped blue 'dots'. Though 
small, the color is bright and the spread out flowers can be seen 
from 6 to 10 ft away so they hold their own.

	Early to bloom, but sort of mid-early (synchronous with 
Chinodoxa 'Pink Giant') they are a mini-treat and seem to hold up to 
the worst our season has to offer. It is not a big show, but a modest 
plant in its own right and for lovers of the tiny a sure fire 

	Does any one else grow this?

		Best	Jim W.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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