
Verena Roesch verena.roesch@uni-konstanz.de
Thu, 23 Nov 2006 10:54:45 PST
Dear Alberto!

Thank you for answering my fertilizer question in such a detailed way.
It helped me a lot and apparently my feeling that concerning bulbs less
is more was right. When exactly do you feed your bulbs (are they yours
or do they belong to the botanical garden?). After the dry summer
dormancy period or in spring when they are about to bloom? I´ve
some mediterranean bulbs (Moraea sisyrinchium, Dipcadi serotinum, Allium
roseum, Narcissus jonquilla, N. triandrus, Leucojum trichophyllum,...).
They live on my balcony and have just started to produce leaves.
It´s very thrilling to see that fresh green appears in those pots
that have been dormant and dry all summer long. 

Best wishes
Konstanz, Germany

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