Historic and NATIVE bulbs in Georgia

John Manion JManion@atlantahistorycenter.com
Fri, 03 Aug 2007 09:14:50 PDT
My thanks to those of you that have forwarded suggestions to me; I have
spoken with Scott Kunst and he passed on a wealth of information to me.
Other than bulbs that would be appropriate for a period garden in
Atlanta (1860-ish), I am looking for references dealing with bulbs
native to the southeastern US, which I may plant in our Quarry Garden, a
three-acre garden of plants native to the southeast U.S.
Again...my thanks!
John T. Manion
Gardens Curator | Atlanta History Center
130 West Paces Ferry Road NW
Atlanta, GA 30305
p | 404.814.4073
e | jmanion@atlantahistorycenter.com
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