Calochortus book from Timber Press

Mary Gerritsen
Fri, 14 Dec 2007 18:19:23 PST
I noticed a bit of a back and forth on the new Calochortus book from  
Timber Press back in August, but I have not seen any further comments  
or discussion about our book. I feel like a bit of a voyeur, BUT

As one of the authors, I obviously have a vested interest here, but  
both Ron and I would appreciate feedback on the book.

Further information including the "Look Inside" feature has been  
added to the site, and for those of you interested in more  
photos of Calochortus, please see the web sites:


I hope that those of you interested in this genus find the  
information in the book useful.


Mary Gerritsen
San Mateo, CA

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