Red-Flowered Hyacinths

Jim McKenney
Tue, 04 Dec 2007 09:58:16 PST
Thanks, Judy.

I've never seen 'Scarlet Perfection' and 'Hollyhock' side by side, but I've
grown 'Hollyhock' for years and never had any reason to think it might be
the same as 'Scarlet Perfection'.

Yet what you report suggests that they are both pieces of one original
plant. I was aware that 'Scarlet Perfection' was a sport of 'Tubergen's

So if I understand you, all of these are sports of 'Distinction'? 

And is 'Red Diamond' a more recent sport of the same group?

Hyacinth colors are tricky and no doubt have a lot to do with the
temperature at which the plants have been grown and the light conditions
when they are seen. The yellows in particular seem variable in my garden in
this respect: one year the plants will be yellow, another year they will be
a creamy white. 

I like them all. 

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where it looks as if bulb
planting will continue right up to the deadline.
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