Lilium wallichianum

Bill Richardson
Fri, 26 Jan 2007 16:38:53 PST
Dear all,
recently I had the good fortune to have a bulb of Lillium wallichianum,
flower here in Gippsland.
There is  a lot of confusion  between it, L. formosanun and L.
longiflorum and it is endangered in its native environment.
I have sent some photos off for confirmation that it is the true species and
so far the info returned looks good.
I have managed to get some nice photos of it with my new camera and have
uploaded some photos to a Yahoo album at:…
for you to look at.
Anyone else growing this one? I would be interested in any feedback.
Bill Richardson,
Ixia King
Summer   7c. to  32c.  at present
West Gippsland,
"Almost any garden, if you see it at just the right moment, can be confused
with Paradise" Henry Mitchell

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