Thumbnail support for Wiki

Brian Whyer
Sun, 21 Jan 2007 03:21:05 PST

> is an excellent improvement over

I would like to echo this. Some of the pages of popular genera are now far
too long, making them even longer will be a real pain, even with broadband
and a mouse wheel.
Surely anyone who has difficulty with the mouse over font size will have
equal problems with the thumbnails themselves?
One problem I have, especially with long pages is trying to find the
recently announced photo, swapping back and forth between the email and wiki
trying to match person and species with the long list of photos with cryptic
file ids. The thumbnails won't help here much, great though they are. Is
there a simple way to highlight the latest addition(s)?

Brian Whyer, Buckinghamshire, England, zone ~8 maybe
Where Galanthus Wendy's gold is in full flower, and winter is just about to

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