In Deep Appreciation of Mary Sue Ittner
Sun, 17 Jun 2007 16:09:21 PDT
How could anyone who belongs to this list possibly have missed her  help?  
Mary Sue obviously spends an enormous amount of time helping all of  us through 
this list.  She has answered serious and curious  questions.  Regardless of 
the level of knowledge she has treated us all  with kindness and respect and 
made us feel our questions are equally  important.  
She has answered me or given me advice privately and I am sure she has done  
this for others as well.  She has given me advice on what would probably  grow 
easily in my area and why.
She has made me aware of keeping records of what I received from who and  
where and how to check the wiki for proper planting information before fool  
heartedly sticking things in a pot.  I'm not saying I always do this  correctly 
but now I know.  She and all of you have made me feel that If the  information 
is not there, it's ok to ask and someone  will give me the  correct 
information.  She truly has a love for plants and is eager to share  both her knowledge 
and plants.  This list is wonderful.  Mary Sue is a  shining example of 
generosity.   I think she may help set the mood for  everyone to be so generous of 
their time and knowledge.  She contributes so  much and I really appreciate her.
Carolyn Craft

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