In Deep Appreciation of Mary Sue Ittner

Jennifer Hildebrand
Sun, 17 Jun 2007 11:22:58 PDT
Dear all,
  Hello from your board of directors!  We have just completed another online board meeting.  One of the topics that we've been discussing is how in the world we can properly acknowledge the amazing amount of time, energy, and knowledge that Mary Sue has dedicated to Pacific Bulb Society, especially this list and the wiki.  It occurred to us that there are probably many others out there who would be happy to acknowledge her generosity of spirit, so we've decided to appeal to you to help us have a "Mary Sue Week" (or longer!) on the listserv.  Please share your stories about how you met Mary Sue (or "met" her, for those of you who, like me, only know her online!).  Tell us about advice that she's given you, or update us about plants that you're growing that originally came from her.  If you've ordered from the BX, you're almost certainly growing SOMETHING that came from Mary Sue!
  Let me start the ball rolling.  Knowing absolutely nothing about Mediterranean bulbs, and little more about geophytes in general, I happened to come across some amazing photos posted on another group's website.  Absolutely enthralled by what I saw, I joined immediately so that I could order from the BX/SX.  A little while later, I received the seed packets that I ordered.
  It was then that I realized that I had no idea what to do with them!  I posted a query to that same group's discussion forum, and for a couple of weeks my query went unanswered.  Then, out of the blue, I got a very friendly, very helpful message from Mary Sue.  She wondered if anyone had responded to my post, and soon sent along very detailed instructions.  She also introduced me to PBS, and I've been a member ever since.  She has always been very giving of her advice and her time, and I'm so glad to have this opportunity to thank her for it!
  Now - the board would love to hear our members' stories.  Many of you have known Mary Sue much longer than I, and can give a much broader outline of her knowledge, wit, and generosity.  Please share whatever tidbit of information you have that will let Mary Sue know how much she means to us all!
  Jennifer Hildebrand
  PBS Secretary

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