When plants bloom

Bulbargence dejager@bulbargence.com
Thu, 07 Jun 2007 01:02:11 PDT
Dear All,
The latestwintergrowing species flowering at this time of the year here are
the Californiana  genera of Calochortus, Triteleia, Bloomeria, Brodeaia
(with the Alliums flava, thunbergii, carinatum). The last south african
species have allready gone 2-3 weeks ago.
Is there something specific in the Californian climate  which has evolved
this late flowering caracteristic?

Kind greetings from the South of France where we are busy lifting our bulbs

Lauw de Jager
South of France (zone 8 Olivier)
Coord. Geogr.(GPS): 43°42' 43" N     4° 32' 12" E


 "Most plants bloom at the beginning of the growing season, and their
developing seeds have the advantage of clement conditions. " How can you
assume that the best conditions for developing seeds is in the beginning?
Climates around the world are so varied".

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