Glads for hardiness

Dell Sherk
Wed, 07 Mar 2007 11:16:06 PST
OK, Max, and you probably have to weed out the paramongaias and tecophilaeas
that are taking over your yard. Quel dommage!  ;<{o)))

Dell, in snowy, cold SE PA, where I'd give a kidney to be able to grow
Amaryllis belladonna!

<I am one of those self-centered provincials uninterested in hardiness. 
In (my part of) California we are more likely to have problems with 
insufficient chill than too much of it, and some people find the 
fixation on cold-hardiness a little... provincial. However, I am a 
believer in a kind of hybridizing karma, and I wish everyone the traits 
they desire.

Oakland CA>

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