Time travel and ancient plants

Kelly Irvin kelly@irvincentral.com
Mon, 12 Nov 2007 09:35:57 PST
Billthebulbbaron@aol.com wrote:
> Also during one's life, try to distribute 
> worthwhile plants as much as possible.    Sometimes people hold tightly to something 
> great, in the vague hapes of selling it to a big grower someday, well someday 
> usually never comes, and the plants will be lost when the property is sold...
And some people, Bill, won't even respond to an e-mail for a small order 
by a small business...

I'm very, very glad you are okay. I can't imagine the horror of the 
moment(s) that you experienced. I, myself, am not well prepared for the 
time I may return to feed the bulbs more directly. My wife and I 
couldn't be farther from one another when it comes to interest in flower 
bulbs or any kind of plant, for that matter. I guess if I get to the 
point where I feel I have accomplished something worthwhile, I will need 
to prepare. Of course, I'm not sure yet whether I've made any great 
discoveries either. There's hope with a Zehyranthes and a handful of 
Lycoris, but it is too early to tell.

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