Fritillaria imperialis again

Jan Agoston
Thu, 28 Aug 2008 09:37:02 PDT
Dear Jim,

Here in the middle-east of europe the normal root development of F.
imperialis begins as early as late july. We advice our customers to plant
them immediately, because we saw that bulbs planted before root development
succeded better than thos planted with roots. The roots break easily and
fusarium attacks them soon. Here october planted bulbs died out on clay, but
was a bit more succesfull on sand. A dutch trader told me, that they usually
have problems with F. imperialis, because the bulbs dry out so soon (even
more problems with F. meleagris).


2008/8/28 Jim McKenney <>

> Good, now we're getting somewhere. Thanks, Lauw.
> Have you been able to observe when the bulbs of Fritillaria imperialis
> begin
> to root under your conditions?
> Thanks,
> Jim
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