Pacific Bulb Society Clearance Sale extended to ALL list members

Dell Sherk
Mon, 29 Dec 2008 06:40:46 PST
Dear All,

The sale on leftover seed from the PBS BX is now open to anyone who reads
this message regardless of whether or not they are dues-paying members of
the PBS. Choose from the list below.
Seed that was harvested one year ago or less is priced at $1.00/pkt, and
seed from the 2006 harvest is only $.50 / pkt. All of the seed has been
stored in cool, dry conditions to preserve its viability. A small shipping
and handling charge will be added on heavy or bulky orders. A bill will be
included with your shipment.
If you are interested in obtaining some of this seed, please email me at
<> or mail your order to Dell Sherk, 6832 Phillips Mill
Rd., New Hope, PA 18938. Orders will be filled on a first come first served
basis, and some supplies are limited. You may order up to three packets of
any one variety. Please order by the numbers to the left of the species
list.  Please be sure to include your mailing address.

Happy New Year,
Dell Sherk, Director, PBS BX

2008 SEED ($1.00/pkt)
1Albuca cf spiralis
2Albuca nelsonii
3Allium obliqua
5Aristea ecklonii
6Arthropodium cirrhatum
7Arum maculatum
8Asclepias curassavica
10Bellevalia romana
20Canna glauca
21Canna sp., dwarf
22Chasmanthe bicolor
23Cypella coelestis
24Cypella herberti
25Cyrtanthus aff o'brienii
26Datura inoxia
28Dierama pendulum
29Dietes grandiflora
30Drancunculus vulgaris
31Dyckia hybs
32Eremerus himalaicus
33Ferraria crispa
34Freesia laxa
37Fritillaria biflora
39Fritillaria pallidiflora
40Fritillaria persica 'Ivory Bells'
41Galtonia viridiflora
42Gelasine elongata (azurea)
43Gladiolus grandiflorus
47Habranthus martinezi
52Herbertia pulchella
53Hippeastrum 'Lemon Lime' x 'Picotee'
54Hippeastrum 'Orange Sovereign'
55Hippeastrum vittatum
56Iris graminea
57Iris laevigata
58Iris magnifica
60Iris tectorum 'Sun Moon Lake'
61Iris 'Wild Survivor'
62Iris wilsonii
63Lilium martagon
64Lilium pumilum
65Lilium regale
68Moraea ochroleuca
69Nectaroscordum siculum
70Onixotis stricta
72Ornithogalum reverchoni
73Ornithogalum sp, yellow
74Ornithogalum sp., yellow & green fl
77Rhodophiala granatiflora
78Romulea citrina
79Romulea grandiscapa
80Rudbeckia maxima
81Salvia patens
82Sisyrinchium californicum
83Sisyrinchium striatum
84Sparaxis hybrids
85Tropaeolum pentaphyllum
86Tulbaghia acutiloba
87Tulbaghia simlerii
88Veltheimia bracteata
89Watsonia coccinea
90Zantedeschia albomaculata
91Zephyranthes atamasco
93Zephyranthes primulina

2006  SEED:  ($.50/pkt) (quantities limited)
 103Iris foetidissima 'Dart Hill'
105Iris hookeri ex. Newfoundland
106Iris laevigata 'Orizuru'
108Iris sibirica, tall, white
110Iris unguicularis
111Iris versicolor 'Between the Lines'
112Iris versicolor 'Epic Poem'
113Iris versicolor 'Whodunit'

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