Plant availability and the value of PBS

Paul Licht
Thu, 18 Dec 2008 14:24:08 PST
First, I'd like to thank those who wrote such nice things about our 
collection here at the UC Botanical Garden. I also want to use this 
experience to point out the value of this PBS forum. After posting a 
list of the many geophytes we are offering on our website, one of my PBS 
heroines, Mary Sue Ittner, very promptly and graciously sent me a list 
of spelling corrections for the errors made in my haste. I told you I 
wasn't an expert.

We just had two nights of real frost (down to 26-28F), so I may soon 
have some new data on frost hardiness of our winter growers.

Paul Licht, Director
Univ. California Botanical Garden
200 Centennial Drive
Berkeley, CA 94720

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