Off topic with apologies
Thu, 15 May 2008 22:50:36 PDT
Hi Iain,
I have three large clumps in Kent UK and they are all flowering  
prodigiously. I too am worried that that is the end of them and as they form a  
significant statement in my garden should be horrified to lose them . That said  there 
are a number of new leaves appearing which | hope is a sign of intention  to 
live.  A brief trawl of the Internet indicates that this and last year  saw a 
world wide flowering, with various comments about regrowth after being cut  back 
and even fresh growth when dug up and discarded, so let us both hope all  
will be well next year.  I have to say apart from curiosity close up, the  
overall appearance of a clump is drear.


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