over-enthusiastic bulbs

Clayton3120 Clayton3120@cablespeed.com
Mon, 05 May 2008 21:05:58 PDT
Amen , friends.
Tulipa hissarica has become a horrible nuisance in my garden, as well as 
Narcissus cantabricus petuniodes,Galanthus nivalis  flore plena,
Fritillaria edwardii, Iris trojana,  and a host of others.
Could my compost pile get  any bigger?
Careful what you sow!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Pelarg@aol.com>
To: <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org>
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: [pbs] over-enthusiastic bulbs

> Invader bulbs in the nearby park along the Bronx River here in southern
> Westchester county (NY), just north of the Bronx line, include galanthus 
> and
> scilla, both of which seem to relish the floodplain soil not far from the 
> "river"
> (more a creek).  A purple annual (biennial?) corydalis grows  in one area 
> as
> well, in woodland like the others.  Natives include the  Erythronium
> americanum, Allium tricoccum (blooms after the leaves fade in  summer), 
> Dicentra
> cucullata, skunk cabbage, Sanginaria canadensis, and a few  others.  I've 
> tried to
> introduce a few things myself, namely native  Podophyllum (extra rhizome
> divisions I planted in various locations a few weeks  ago), Iris hexagona 
> (I think a
> clump is still hanging on by a lake part of the  river), and last fall I
> planted Asimina triloba seeds in scattered locations  from a friends trees 
> in
> nearby Bronxville. Less pleasant invaders include  Ameliopsis, Celastrus, 
> garlic
> mustard, pachysandra, English ivy, and Norway  maple.
> While I am sure the galanthus and scilla got there from garden refuse, 
> they
> have apparently spread by seed on their own for years, sometimes forming 
> large
> colonies.
> Oh yeah, the biggest threat to all of the woodland low growers, scads of
> Ranunculus ficaria, now that is one plant that is way out of control in 
> wet
> soils!  At least it seems to avoid the drier slopes where the dutchman's 
> breeches
> is found.
> Ernie DeMarie (zone 6/7) where remarkably some Pelargonium alchemilloides
> are sprouting back from the roots, as is a gazania "Christopher Lloyd". 
> Ditto
> several cultivars of Salvia greggii, though never the peach colored one.
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