Early winter flowering

contact contact@bulbargence.com
Mon, 21 Dec 2009 09:02:32 PST
Dear friends,
 Here in the south of France 9 not far from the Mediterranean sea) we just 
had a spell  of  frost with  temperatures varying between -2 to -6 C 
(27-22F) during 6-7 days (no wind and sunny). It is now pouring rain which 
is very welcome.
The right moment  to report on the flowering during and after the frost:
Flowers and buds destroyed:
      Dahlia imperialis, Nerine sarniense
Flowers destroyed, buds OK:
      Moraea polystachya, Nerine bowdenii
 Flowers and buds OK:
      Iris unguicularis, Iris bicapitata, Nerine undulata, N. filamentosa, 
Narcissus tazetta Paperwhite (N papyraceus), Crocus goulimyi, laevigatus, 
Galanthus elwesii
Interesting to see that many flowers support frost as long they are  
sheltered from wind.

Best  wishes for Christmas
Lauw de Jager
Soputh of France

-----Original Message-----
-6°C here! A few things look very sad.
Mark Brown North west France

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