Candy Lilies Iris x norrisii - 2

James Waddick
Mon, 21 Dec 2009 20:14:39 PST
Dear Dennis. Jim McK and all,

	First, the white dichotoma is gorgeous, but I suspect it is 
an x norrisii from the larger size of the flower and all its parts 
and it seems to have a strong/heavier substance to the petals. A pity 
you  lost it. It also reminds me of the x norrisii of old.

	For Jim McK, I went to the sources and see that it was 
earlier known mostly in shades of pale to deeper purple, although one 
source says blue (!). 	It was Dykes himself who noted their was a 
'dull greenish white' form as well as an  "reddish lurid purple". 
Most authors note the white ground color variously spotted and 
patterned in purple tones with brown smudges and flecks, as Dennis 
typical picture shows.

	I admit I haven't seen a lot of true I dichotoma, but I have 
yet to see any color other than a fairly uniform pale purple. 
Obviously others may exist, but whether they are in cultivation or 
not remains unknown to me.

	Incidentally one source (Kohlein, I think) called this 
species an annual; i.e. not surviving for a second year. This is 
definitely not the case here and in the wild.

	I will definitely be grown more seeds of both I dichotoma and 
I norrisii and report back in a year. Hold on.

		Best to all. 		Jim W.
Dr. James W. Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd.
Kansas City Missouri 64152-2711
Ph.    816-746-1949
Zone 5 Record low -23F
	Summer 100F +

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