Candy Lilies Iris x norrisii - 2

Jay Yourch
Sun, 20 Dec 2009 07:44:10 PST

I've not grown I. dichotoma or its hybrids with I. domestica, but I've had tremendous 
success with I. domestica here in central North Carolina.  My favorite is the 
compact, yellow flowered 'Hello Yellow', a plant that's been so prolific with flowers 
and seeds that I now have large patches that produce so many seeds that I'm able to 
send them to seed exchanges in large quantities.  I wouldn't consider the plant weedy 
because the seedlings don't usually germinate far from the parent plants and are 
easily dug, and relocated or shared with others, if one has too many.  It's been very 
adaptable in my garden, growing and flowering well in both moist and dry soils, full 
sun or partial shade.  The only troubles I've had are deer nibbling on the flower 
buds, they don't favor its leaves, and voles destroying plants by eating the crowns, 
but they also seem to prefer other plants.  I'd like to try a pink  flowered form of 
I. domestica as well as the jewel toned hybrids if I can locate plants or seeds.


Jay Yourch
Raleigh, North Carolina
Zone 7b

Jim Waddick wrote:

> Iris domestica (Belamcanda) has a wide distribution from
>India through China to Japan and beyond. It has naturalized in parts
>of Missouri and you can run across patches at old homesteads and in
>open woodlands. Plants seem long lived.
> Iris dichotoma has a much smaller natural range in NE China,
>to adjacent parts of Russia to N. Japan. It is a plant of open
>grasslands. I saw a vast expanse of this plant on a treeless plain of
>Inner Mongolia fully exposed to sun, snow and passing herds.

> It is very interesting to hear about the difficulties some
>people seem to have growing these species and hybrids or having long
>term success. Here both parents seem fairly easy and quick form seed.

> It is also disappointing to hear that 'muddy colors' seem to
>predominate in at least some sources today. I recall the bright jewel
>like tones of early seedlings.

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